The only requirement that may be a problem for some users with older Macs is that It requires, yes or yes, macOS 10.13 to work. It is also available for iOS, also completely free and offers us a perfect integration, since if we add an account on the Mac, it will automatically appear on our iPhone or iPad, and vice versa. The Spark mail client is available for download completely free of charge through the link that I leave at the end of this article. The new fonts that come from the latest Spark update, we can also apply the different formatting options that the application offers us, such as replacing the color or highlighting the text.
#Change font size on mac computer plus
To increase the font size, press Option + Command + + (the plus sign). Open the Safari browser on your Mac and go to a web page. Go to Messages > Preferences, click Messages, and then click the Set Font button next to each. To make the text larger or smaller, adjust the web pages font size. In addition, we can also modify the signatures that we already have recorded in the application with the new fonts. Apple’s Messages lets you change the font and size for incoming and outgoing messages independently.We can also modify the size and the default font to the one that best suits our needs.It uses a wide variety of fonts and sizes in the email editor, allowing us to fully customize each email we send.What's new in version 2.3.4 of Spark for macOS In addition, it also allows us to modify the size of the font, one of the most anticipated features by both sporadic and more intensive users.
#Change font size on mac computer update
The new update that is now available on the Mac App Store adds as the main novelty the possibility of using new fonts in the emails we send.

Luckily in the last two updates the guys at Readdle are focusing on improving the app.

Nevertheless, some of its shortcomings are likely may be an insurmountable reason not to use it as a regular email client. If you want to get the default font back after you change fonts in Windows 11. The Mac Messages app has long had the ability to change the text size and font of your messages and conversations, but the adjustment functions have changed a bit in modern versions of MacOS system software, including Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, OS X El Capitan and Yosemite. Then click the Apply button to save the changes. Step 3: In the following window, drag the toggle next to the Text size to change the font size. Spark is one of the best email clients that we can find both inside and outside the Mac App Store. Step 2: In the left pane, click Accessibility.