The hex color codes work similarly to RGB codes. HEX Value HEX codes are another easy-to-use color selection option. It ranges from 0 (not transparent) to 1 (fully transparent). The RGBA value adds one more value to the mix, and that’s the alpha value that represents the opacity. The value of each color input can range between 0 and 255, where 0 means the color is not present at all and 255 means that the particular color is at its maximum intensity. The first number specifies the red color input, the second specifies the green color input, and the third specifies blue. The RGB value looks like this: RGB(153,0,255). It defines the color by mixing red, green, and blue values, similarly to how you’d mix a color on an actual palette. Next up, we have the RGB and RGBA values. In other words, if you use a color that’s not on the list of supported colors, you won’t be able to use it in your design by its color name. However, the downside of this approach is that not all color names are supported. For example, you can use “blue” to set the color for an individual element to blue.
Currently, there are 140 color names supported, and you can use any of those colors in your styles. The color name refers to the specific name for the HTML color. Color NameĬolor names are the easiest way to define a color in your CSS styles. There are several ways to define color in web design, including name, RGB values, hex codes, and HSL values. but it's a simple edit that can add a lot of personality! ✨🎨 Click to Tweet When it comes to customizing your site, font color often gets overlooked. With that out of the way, let’s look at how you can define and change the HTML font color. It builds brand consistency and ensures that the text across all your marketing channels looks the same. This is yet another opportunity to reinforce your brand. For example, if your site uses a darker color scheme, leaving the font color black would make it difficult to read the text on your website.Īnother reason you would want to consider changing the font color is if you’re going to use a darker color from your brand color palette. You would want to change the font color because doing so can help improve your website’s readability and accessibility.